Sunday, March 1, 2015

#27 -- The Identifiers


No, you didn't miss out on the biggest-band-you-never-heard-of.  The Identifiers are not one band, but three acts that I identified with at some point in my life, each of which could have been included at #27, but missed a self-imposed deadline.

During the last week in February I resolved to write about Peter Gabriel.  His recordings in the 80s and 90s sounded, in real time, familiar, as if I'd heard them in a prior life.  I liked his big hits like 'Sledgehammer', and felt his 'Big' and 'Biko', for example, were fantastic, the latter a masterpiece in solemn expression.

But, there was Bonnie Raitt.  What a voice.  She was so 'me', too.

And Jackson Browne.  During my college years he set the pace and was decidedly 'me'.

Well, my end-of-February deadline came and went.  It's now March and the window has closed.

By the way, #24 will also be left blank, but this time because the acts are, to put it simply, The Other Ones, acts that I liked but that were outside my own sense of what was especially good music.  They could all qualify for #24, but will instead all be mentioned and the number left blank.

Counting down continues, next time, with #26, after I get some zees.

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