Wednesday, November 5, 2014

#32 -- Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers

Can't Beat Humor

Blessed are the 'long-time-a-coming' acts who wait for motivation to set in; they may appear lazy, but verily, you can't force a thrill.

A friend inquires (comment #14) whether I'm still working on this blog.  Well, I'd planned for a long pause (until sometime next year), but, like Petty, I'll nonchalantly wander into the spotlight and all but reluctantly lay out my next inspiration.


The vibe I get from Tom Petty and The Hearbreakers can be summed up by the title of their 1979 album: Damn The Torpedos, ...why second-guess a good thing?

A glance at the group's other album titles gives one a feel for how in-the-zone their sense of wonder and humor are: "Into The Great Wide Open", "You're Going To Get It", "Let Me Up (I've Had Enough)".  Why haven't more artists mocked the act of album titling so excellently and so thoroughly?  You just can't beat the humor in "You're Going To Get It".

Okay, time for fessing up: my favorite Petty song is the earnest "Here Comes My Girl" with its modulations in intensity (speaking voice, all the way up to a cranked and triumphant epiphany).  But, it's also hard to top his collaboration with Stevie Nicks from '81 and of course, "The Waiting", also from that year, is an unstoppable contendah.

It's perhaps a testament to Petty's high regard among his fellow musicians that the Traveling Wilburys (that all but anonymous supergroup made up of Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Roy Orbison, Steve Lynne and Petty) sounded more like a Petty record than it did any of the other characters.


Each band or performer is graded on four things:
  1.  Innovation
  2.  Influence in my life--as a typical American
  3.  Integrity: the band's approach to music (just making a buck or honing a craft?)
  4.  Immortality--am I, a typical American--still eager to hear their music

7/7/5/7 = 26 out of a perfect 40


Next up, a current Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominee.

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