How To Be The Greatest Rock 'N Roll Band
Personnel: Settle within a year or so on your group's members.
Sound: Play cover songs, initially, then gradually create your own sound based on the current scene around you, honing your craft over time.
Venues: The smaller the better to start. Become a sensation before moving on to a wider audience.
Narrative: Tackle serious subjects in your songs, things that make you focused and passionate. Be good friends with other bands and work together on important causes to the point where you, as a band, are ambassadors for good deeds.
Hierarchy: if all members have an equal voice, leadership is muted, but natural.
Musical Direction: Hire musical geniuses to "direct" your work. Explore genres and styles in this way, making a splash when you release a new collection of recordings.
Internationalize: Incorporate elements of world music and travel broadly.
Energize: Don't be afraid to sound a bit bolder, emotionally, than your musical peers. Not the over-the-line yelling, screeching and achingly loud music that passes for vibrant; instead, let emotion flow forcefully, when you feel it.
And who's followed this exact path, adding their own native brilliance in developing what is now a recognizable sound--when we hear it, we know that's ??
Each band or performer is graded on four things:
1. Innovation
2. Influence in my life--as a typical American
3. Integrity: the band's approach to music (just making a buck or honing a craft?)
4. Immortality--am I, a typical American--still eager to hear their music
8/8/9/10 = 35 out of a perfect 40
1. Innovation
2. Influence in my life--as a typical American
3. Integrity: the band's approach to music (just making a buck or honing a craft?)
4. Immortality--am I, a typical American--still eager to hear their music
8/8/9/10 = 35 out of a perfect 40
My favorite U2 song? "She Wore Lemon".